Hello ladies! This is a short testimony from Pricilla. I hope that is blesses and encourages you to keep uncut hair! Priscilla, God bless you and thank you for sharing your story!
Hair Testimony
I'm not sure how to start, so i'll just start. *8.) (that's a little emoticon of me with my afro, glasses, a mole and a smile...)
About 2 years ago, I'd finally had it with my hair. I'd been toying around with the idea of going natural for a while (mostly because I was lazy sad to say), and even maybe wearing some braids. I've been apostolic since the womb so cutting it wasn't an option. I'd even worn some braids, and they were cute for a minute but too heavy and i had some thinning on the sides of my hair (it's still a little bit thin, but you can' really tell). I'd been going on and off natural for a while and finally decided, No More Straightening! No More Hot Combs!
I'd had a perm a long time ago and it just ruined my hair. It looked like it'd been hacked to pieces, so I definitely wasn't going that route again. My perm had long since grown out so, to the shower! (it's easier for me to do it that way.) I kind of played around with a few products but finally got tired of the build up I still had.
Recently I started making my own hair dressing. I used 100% raw shea butter, 100% organic cocoa butter (not palmers. it has mineral oil in it and i don't want to clog my pores. the cocoa butter I use has a strong and delicious chocolate scent), a little olive oil and a little coconut oil (both also 100% organic and cold pressed if i can get it. (I'm thinking of adding avocado oil. I've done it in the past and I think it adds a nice light flowery scent, but that could be just me).
To oil my scalp I use olive oil and coconut oil. I love that I can wash my hair whenever I want and not be concerned because I just straightened it last week. As for straightening it, i only try to straighten it about once or twice a year, usually during the winter because it holds longer. My hair is (and always has been) about shoulder blade length, although i'd like it longer.
I love my natural hair! It's beautiful and I think that more women would be happier with their hair if they'd do the same. I also believe God honors me because I don't cut my hair. I just can't do it.
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Reader Response: Hair Testimony by Priscilla
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hair testimony
i wear natural apostolic hair
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Reader Response: Hair Testimony by Priscilla
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hair testimony
i wear natural apostolic hair
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