Misha is no stranger to this blog. She has been featured here and here. She is also one of my best friends! Her natural hair story is inspiring. On her blog she has included her hair story. It is one that starts as bliss and took a turn for the worst. Now her blog is recording her recovery and journey to healthy hair! You can read her hair story here.
1. How long have you been natural?
I have been natural since about February 2009.
2. What inspired you to start a blog?
My best friend Kendra is relentless. Jk :). She inspired me and I was also inspired to keep up with the progress of my hair.
3. Why have you made the decision not to cut/trim your hair?
I don't have a full revelation on hair but I know that the Bible is specific about women not cutting their hair thanks to scripture. I believe God will fully open my understanding one day and in the process honor my sacrifice and obedience.
4. Why is natural hair beautiful to you?
Natural hair is beautiful to me because it is NATURAL. I am no longer a cookie cut out of what society, BET, and whatever other source says black hair should be. I am original and confident in myself. Even if I look like a strangled poodle somedays, I am still happy with my decision.
5. What can you expect to see on this blog?
You can expect awkward humor and tears. No, Okay seriously, I will be mostly documenting what I am doing to get my hair to grow back in. All with as many natural remedies as I can find and with many laughs and rants in between I'm sure.
Read Saved By Grace and follow!!