Think and Discuss: Wrong to Straighten Hair? Pt 2

I have received a host of comments and feedback from the post I wrote earlier this week regarding whether or not it is wrong to straighten our hair. I want the discussion to continue because I believe there is a deeper issue here that we have yet to explore.

And that is the connotation of straight hair for black women.

It is evident that the majority of them turn up their noses at natural hair. It is "unmanageable", "nappy", "uncombed", etc. So what has society told them to do? Wear it straight! Its no coincidence that every black hair magazine shows weaves, weaves, and straight, BONE straight hair. Consequesntly, there is a mindset that black women have about their hair.

Straight = pretty
Straight = less hassle
Straight = more manageable
Straight = more professional
Straight = classy
Straight = good financial status

ALL of these things are lies! Just look around in the world we live in. It is sad but many black women believe the statements above are true. We have to fight against this stigma and complex. Our hair is beautiful just the way it is! It isn't nappy. It isn't ugly. It is what the Lord gave us! If we were to be honest, we wear it straight for approval. For others to see how long it is. For others to know that we have long hair. What do we have to prove?? Why do we feel we have something to prove??

What do you think about this complex that many black women have about their hair? Why do you think it exists? How have you been able to break it within yourself?