Think and Discuss: Wrong to Straighten Hair?

It seems to be a really big deal to straighten our hair. I have been doing some serious thinking about this. I have been evaluating and thinking to myself, why is it necessary to straighten my hair? My main reason has been to determine the length. But if I pull it down, I can clearly see the length. Could it be that its more important that others see my length. Perhaps I want others to see how long my hair is. So then am I in this for me, or for others?

My husband has never liked me to straighten my hair. He kindly says its “artificial”. He said if your hair is curly, wear your curls, and if its straight wear it straight. I try to explain to him that I just want to see the length but he finds it irrelevant. He really has got me to thinking after several years of him telling me this…
A follower of my blog, whom I have talked to many times through email is from Jamaica. She said the apostolic women there don’t ever wear their hair straight. To them it is just as bad as a relaxer! She sent me an email saying, Why do you straighten your hair? Here in Jamaica no type of straightening is encouraged but I do like to hear other persons experience.” She explained to me that it was their custom to wear their hair totally natural. How beautiful is that??

So my questions for you are,
  1. 1.       Do you straighten your hair? If so, why?
  2. 2.       Do you think wearing straightened hair goes against having “natural hair”?

Please comment below with your reponses. I do realize this can be a highly controversial conversation. But let me be the first to answer.

I am strongly considering- and have almost decided that I will never straighten my hair again. Why do something that could potentially damage my hair? Why do something that every black woman struggles with as the worlds interpretation of “beautiful hair”? Who am I defined by? And what will I chose to be defined by? I am an African American woman with glorious, gorgeous, curly locks that my creator gave me. Who am I to alter it? Hmm… Just the thoughts I have been thinking lately! 

Please, please give me your feedback!!