Perspectives from Persons: Mary Frances

Everyone meet Mary. If you don't read Classic Mary Moments you are missing out! Not only is Mary an amazing blogger, and writer, she has also come to be my friend. She is a sweetheart who always has a kind and encouraging word. She's always there when you need her!! Love her! Well today she is gracing us with her presence to talk about her view of natural hair.

1. What is the most beautiful thing to you about a woman with natural hair?

Weeeeeellll I think the most beautiful thing about a woman with UNCUT hair is that she is living her life in obedience and submission to God!!! And Sis. Abbott has always taught us ladies that when we live our life in submission to God and our God-given authorities, (Like your parent's if your under age, or your husband if your married, or your pastor FOR EVERYONE and the word of GOd is also one of our authorities in life) God covers us with an umbrella of protection because we are living and doing what is right. They say that when an Apostolic girl backslides or is in rebellion no matter how long or beautiful her hair is, one of the first things she will do is cut her hair. So I guess I think Uncut hair is BEAUTIFUL because it shows submission. :)

2. Coming from the persepective of the sister of someone who made the transition to go natural, would you say it is life changing in a good or bad way?

Like I said, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by going natural...but I think it is AWESOME when black girls aren't ashamed of the way God made them!!! I think it is lifechanging in a good way because it is saying to God that your pleased with the way He made you...AND it also shows self-confidence that you know you don't have to look JUUUUST like EVERYONE else to be beautiful!!! (And i've heard that self-confidence is VERY ATTRACTIVE to men...although I'm NOT reallly sure if thats true cuz if it was I woulda been married a LOOOOOOOOONG time ago!!! ;)

3. Tell us how you got the revelation of hair.

Hmmmm...I don't know of a specific moment that I just knew not to cut my hair. I mean my mom used to cut my hair cuz we wern't in truth till I was like 3 but since then I have ALWAYS known about having uncut hair, that it was Biblical and in the Bible. I've just always known that it was what God expected from woman. However, one thing that has really stood out to me and opened my eyes was something that Bro. Garrett taught in his Apostolic Standards class. But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for [her] hair is given her for a covering. (1 Cor. 11:15)

He basically said HOW long is LONG HAIR??? And he talked about how he remembers the day that one of his daughters came runnin down the stairs at their house sooooo excited because her hair was finally to the middle of her back.(Or something I can't remember the EXACT length he said) And he was sayin to us HOW LONG is long hair? ANd we're I DON"T know!!! LOL! Cuz I mean all of girls have DIFFERENT lengths of hair!!! I have a friend whom I envy a little cuz HER hair is like DRAGGIN on the ground and to me my hair is SHORT compared to hers...BUUUUUUUUUT there are other girls who's hair is short compared to mine!!! So he says HOW LONG IS YOUR ARM to us? I'm like HUH? ANd we all hold out our arms and he says, your arm is however long it has grown!!! And he then explained that LONG hair is HOWEVER long your hair will grow!!! Like how his daughters hair might not have been as long as other girls hair...buuuuuut it was LONG because it was uncut and AS LONG AS IT WOULD GROW!!! Sooo I hope that that is something that will be an encouragment all Apostolic girls!!! Your hair might NOT be the same length as OTHER Apostolic girls, but if your hair is uncut, it God's eyes IT IS LONG!!!
Be sure to check out her blog and show her love!!! :))