Reader Response: Hanna's Twists and Twist Outs

Hello all, remember Hanna?
She is a beautiful Apostolic young lady of Ethiopian decent who has gorgeous hair! Its so beautiful!! Recently she has been wearing twists as a protective style during the week. It was a big hit. She loved them, her dad loved them and her mom loved them so much she asked Hanna to twist her hair too! She sent me some pictures of them a few months back and I want to share how she does them and how they turn out.

What do you use?
Shea butter, and this blue grease

How often do you do this?

Sporadic lately, my plan is to twist once or twice a month

How long do you leave them in? 

I have twists in for 4-5 days, then I let them out (so fun!).. And I wear it in different ways twisted out for about 3-4 days. 
Thanks for snapping this photo Anali!

Anything else you want to add? 

It's doing my hair good and people loove it lol. Even my dad who rarely says things about my hair complimented me! I tell people I got it from you :D My mom has decided that this should be my official "school-do". It feels good to know that my hair feels good! and i love the natural-ness!

I love Hanna's hair like this! She is not only  a beautiful young lady with beautiful hair- but she is also a lady who loves God and the things of God. So glad that we are friends :)