Challenge of the Month, JULY 2011: Drink More Water

Hello there beautiful naturals! Here is the challenge of the month- drink more water!

We just do not drink enough water. I have been feeling dehydrated, and my skin and scalp are getting drier lately. I know it's due to a lack of water. In the past I was a competitive athlete so I drank water like a fish. My husband was even worse than me. He used to carry around a gallon of water every day- and he would finish it. I have realized that because of this, my body now craves water! However, oddly enough, I haven't had a taste for it. When I go to drink it, it tastes disgusting to me. So to challenge myself, and hydrate my body- I am going to drink more water!

Objective: To drink at least 64 oz of water every day

Long-term goal: To keep our hair, and skin hydrated and glowing!

Suggestions: If you are busy like me, you will want to invest in a nice water bottle that you can tote with you throughout the day. I personally think the tin ones are adorable and they should help to keep your water cooler in the heat.

If you would like to participate, follow these 2 steps:

  1. Post a comment below letting me know you will be joining
  2. Send me an email letting me know you will be joining. I will be sending emails throughout the month to check your progress and encourage you along the way!

By the end of the month let’s see how we feel! This is more than appropriate to make it through the summer hydrated and healthy!!