Chronicles of a Natural Apostolic: Funnies I Have Made

I am giving you a chance to laugh at my expense today! I was reflecting on a few funny things I have done since I have been natural. Maybe you have done some of these things too!

1. Protein treatment gone bad:

When I first went natural, I remember wanting to do a protein treatment on my hair. I heard a little bit about how some people have protein sensitive hair. But I didn’t think mine would be. So as usual, I decided to create my own treatment in my kitchen. Mayonnaise and egg! Well sad to say- about 45 minutes after my fabulous deep protein conditioning treatment, my hair was matted and a tangled mess! So if I ever want dreads- I know how to accomplish it quickly! Lol!

2. Chucks in my hair:

I have a hair tip on my blog about using banana to deep condition your hair. I was so excited when I read an article about this; especially because I had some bananas in my kitchen that were turning brown. Although the directions on the article clearly expressed to fully squash the banana’s before putting them in your hair- I somehow missed the fully memo. Besides I figured, banana should easily come out of your hair! Needless to say, an hour after this treatment, I had a TON of banana bits in my hair. And did I mention I had to leave for outreach 10 minutes after I rinsed my hair? It was a nightmare. I am sure some of my church family thought I had really bad dandruff that day!!

Another time I did a treatment with coconut milk. I didn’t know that you have to strain the coconut bits out of the can before using the milk. And what do you think was the end result? Yup- coconut all up in my hair ya’ll! Lol

3. Fro disaster:

My hair loves to be in its natural state – afro! So somehow, no matter how beautiful my hair was the day before, if I don’t tie it up, it will revert to a lovely afro by morning. I do not say the word lovely with the connotation you generally associate with that word! By the way… So I remember wearing a wash and go one day. It was so beautiful! That night I figured that I didn’t need to tie it up. Wrong idea because I woke up looking like Frankenstein!!! It was horrible! I had to co wash just to get it to move! It was like a dried up jerry curl that was highly flammable. Dry stiff and motionless! Haha! Silly Kendra! I should have known better!

This journey has its ups and downs. But sometimes, it helps to just laugh about some of the things we have done along the way!

Do you have any funny stories to share??! Don’t be shy!