Blog of Note: Loving the Truth

Hello ladies! I am so excited to share with you another natural apostolic blog! I cannot believe how many there are now. I used to be the only one. Now there is Sheena, Chelsyea, Misha, Sarah and now Natalie! I love it! This natural apostolic community is rapidly growing!

Natalie is from Jamaica. We have been email buddies through this blog for about a year now. I still have her first email she sent me,

My name is natalie and no you dont know me.I am actually from Jamaica and was uip at after 12 midnite on the computer and typed in black apostolic hair.The name just came into my mind as their are little things i sometimes look up.You see, Im a black united pentecostal and i proudly say a child of the KING.

I congratulate you on the stance you are making as it was just yesterday ,while getting my hair cornrowed , i was speaking about standing for certain things even when we dnt fully understand it. In Jamaica, as  a pentecostal wearing your natural hair is the custom but some have started to change and i often know that many go abroad and immediately start to process their hair. but kendra i share the same conviction as you.Keep the faith and the apostolic banner high.It may mean nothing to some people but it does mean something to the master creator. 
Natalie is a beautiful wife, and a proud mother of twins, a boy and girl. Her daughter is a doll!

Let's get to know her a little bit better...

1. How long have you been natural?

I have been natural for 10 years now- really making an effort to take care of my hair about one  year.

2. What inspired you to start a blog?

I found Kendra's blog one night when the Lord dropped the words Black Apostolic Hair in my spirit. I was attempting to improve on hair care but got info from unsaved person who endorsed some things I didn't believe in. I was surprised to type the words into the computer and see there was a black apostolic hair  blog.

3. Why have you made the decision not to cut/trim your hair?

I don't cut/trim as the scripture speak of it being a shame.Plus with the line of differentiation between male and female thinning, I want to grow my hair and wear my skirts to show my gender.

4. Why is natural  hair beautiful to you?

It is who I am . I have done braids, sew ins, jerry curl , perms and hot combs in my life.I still never felt complete. I had such terrible low self esteem. I remember however shortly after being saved ,one day after fasting and getting a good touch from God. I had washed my hair and right there, natural hair and all, I saw the most beautiful reflection of myself in the mirror. For the first time i looked at myself and saw beauty, just as God made me.

5.What can we expect to see on your blog?

The Truth  : )

Well there you have it! So go and check out Loving the Truth. Follow and show your support and love. Remember, we are all in this together! We NEED each other :)