I Wear Natural Apostolic Hair 2011 in Review

I want to take a walk down memory lane of 2011 to see what has happened this year with my hair! Hope you enjoy it!

I discovered flexi-rods! And fell in love with them :)

This was a special time for me... It was when I really started to appreciate my hair for what it was. And love my hair for what it was. I wrote a post called "Embracing My Curls" that talked about loving your hair for what it is, not forcing it to be something it isn't, and just embracing what God gave you!

I started enjoying my hair more this month I think! I did stretched twists, high buns, and lots of other cute styles!
Also this month Chelsyea joined us to show us how she uses her flexi-rods!

I fell in love with chopsticks in high buns! lol I did my hair like this ALL the time! As you know, my high bun obsession has only gotten more ... obsessive lol

This was the last time I straightened my hair (last time I probably ever will). I did it for Easter and loved the length! I also tried some other fun styles.. 
This month Sheena joined us to show us a product review of Shea Moisture's Curl Enhancing Smoothie

I posted pictures from my monthly update. Sorry I haven't kept up on it! I will get back on it next year hopefully :)
I also started my love affair with mini twists! I love, love, love them!
Jen joined us and wrote about her hair regimen for us! She showed us how she is transitioning!

June was the month of the infamous bun hawk! Grrrr! lol 
It was also my 2 year wedding anniversary on June 7. I am still madly in love with the man I married. My best friend, my support and my love. 
This month I also talked about Making it Work. When styles go wrong, find a way to make them work and rock it! :)

I did another hair update in July. This is when I started to get a little more comfortable with wearing my hair out and loose. I wore it up ALL of the time prior to this.. literally ladies. lol I also got GLASSES in June. So now I am no longer a blind bat!
I also showed off quite a few of my mini twist styles that I wore on a daily basis

I turned 23 years old! Yay! lol.. This was a "blah" month with my hair but I came out with a few styles that I liked 
And I showed you my LION hair...
This month also marked the month of the second natural apostolic blog to come out!! Ms. Sheena! She does a fab job. If you haven't subscribed to her blog, what are you waiting for? Click here to see it. 


Again, this wasn't the best month picture wise. But this month I did my first wash and go with the conditioner and eco styler gel. I loved it! 
And I also did the beehive! Total retro look that I loved!


My FIRST blog feature on More Modern Modesty! Chandra is awesome and so kind. Read the feature here. She talks about natural hair and how it relates to those in her blogshere. Its a quick post but very special to me that someone appreciates this blog. I love doing it and I pray it is an encouragement, help and blessing to you all! Be sure to comment and show some love!

My infamous mini twist out bun came into existence. 
An awesome blog I found that I wanted to show you all. A blog of note- PureBeauty. Sarah is so cute!


I had been absent for a while at this point in time.. so I wrote a post about why I almost ended my blog and what I believe. Must read! I learned how to make my own shea butter mixture. Another must read :) Styles? Mini twists of course!

And a curly poofy do that I enjoyed!

LOTS of posts and pics and great things! Chelsyea

and Misha started natural apostolic hair blogs! Super exciting!!! 
Alicia gave us an awesome video tutorial about a twist style she did. I love her styles! So classy and fresh!

And I had A LOT of fun with my hair!

Whats to come for next year???

WE SHALL SEE :) But I have some GREAT surprises up my sleeve!!!